There are numerous applications for our material. Following are examples of common uses. If you think that a TFE-GLASS™ or SRC-GLASS™ is right
for your application, please call our sales or customer service staff to discuss your needs. We have dedicated customer service representatives on the
east coast and the west coast, as well as an extensive sales force across the country and knowledgeable engineers waiting to take on your next
challenge. Put our expertise to the test!
Industry Material Application
Aerospace 7025 Porous bleeder material used as a release cloth in vacuum molding
6085-03 Release tape used in vacuum molding
6085-05 Aircraft cable wrap
Apparel 7033 Release sheet on fusing woven and non-woven fabrics
8103, 8143, 8A1052, 8A1057 Conveyor belts used on fusing machines to bond woven and non-woven fabrics
6113-10, 6085-06 Sewing machine and cutting table covers for ease in fabric handling
Carpet 8A1048, 8278, 8274, 8279, 8A1069 Used as conveyor belts to convey uncured synthetic rubber PVC backing and woven fiber overlay through
a curing chamber where materials are bonded together.
Chemicals 7108, 7231R Curtains to prevent chemical splashing, lining tanks containing acids and other chemicals, conveyor belts transporting
powdered chemicals thru processing and packaging, fabricated flexible ducts for handling corrosives.
Food 7039, 7059, 7109 Pre-cooked or frozen food application to convey products through conventional or microwave ovens, or as baking tray liners
8108, 8109, 8148
Packaging 6085-03, 6085-05, 6085-06, 6085-10 Tapes for thermal transfer and release of poly films on L-sealing bars, form and fill bagging machines
8303, 8231R, 8242 Conveyor belts through shrink wrap tunnels
8038, 8039, 8A952, 8054, 8064, 8104 Two-ply belts for sealing poly-bags with no increased thickness in splice area
Plasma Spray Tapes 6525-08, 6525-11, 6615-07, 6605-07D Masking tape used in standard metal or ceramic plasma spraying processes and HVOF
and grit blasting.
Plastics 8279, 8356, 8231R Belting transporting extruded parts thru cooling chambers
Textile 8195, 8308, 8303, 8305K, 8305KAS, 8305KG, 8A970 Belts for all automated dryer systems conveying screen printed items, heat setting
synthetic yarns, and curing non-wovens
Part Number Overall Thickness (inches) Adhesive Thickness (inches) Adhesive Type Tensile Strength Warp/Fill (lbs/inch) Tear Strength Warp/Fill (lbf) Dielectric Strength (volts) Peel Strength (oz/inch) Operating Temp.F Min/Max (°F)
6085-03 0.0050 0.0022 Silicone 90 / 65 3.0 / 2.5 5000 40 -100 / 500
6085-05 0.0068 0.0022 Silicone 180 / 160 6.0 / 5.5 6000 48 -100 / 500
6085-06 0.0077 0.0022 Silicone 185 / 170 5.0 / 4.5 8000 45 -100 / 500
6085-10 0.0120 0.0028 Silicone 310 / 200 15.0 / 10.0 9500 55 -100 / 500
6085-14 0.0170 0.0030 Silicone 500 / 285 20.0 / 15.0 10500 55 -100 / 500